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LLC  Graphite Formula

+7 (351) 220 47 20

+7 (351) 790 82 46

+7  904  940 64 08

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Natural graphite

Uses of natural graphite. Natural graphite is mostly used for refractories (high-quality, graphite-magnesium, aluminum-graphite), galvanic and alkaline batteries, steelmaking, pencil production, crucibles,  powder metallurgy, carbon-graphite materials (carbon brushes, engineering carbon products, antifriction materials), thermally expanded graphite, brake linings, foundry facings, lubricants and other branches (coloring and polishing substances, parts for electrical engineering, production of industrial diamonds, cooling and lubricating suspensions).

LLC “Graphite Formula” sells

the following types of natural graphite:

GT-Graphite Crucible  State Standart GOST 4596-75

GT-1, GT-2, GT-3- grades of Graphite Crucible


GL- Graphite Foundry  State Standart GOST 5279-74

GL-1, GL-2- grades of Graphite Foundry


GK-Graphite for pencil leads State Standart GOST 4404-78

GK-2,GK-3- grades of Pencil Graphite


GLS- Graphite Foundry Cryptocrystalline State Standart GOST 5420-74


GS- Lubricating Graphite  State Standart GOST 8295-73

GS-4-grade of Lubricating Graphite


Graphite P- Lubricating GraphitevState Standart GOST 8295-73


Graphite GAK- Spherical Graphite State Standart GOST 10273-73


Graphite GE- Elemental Graphite

GE-1, GE-3- grades of Elemental Graphite

Further information in the glossary of professional terms

Further information in the glossary of professional terms

Further information in the glossary of professional terms

Further info in the glossary

Further information in the glossary of professional terms

Further information in the glossary of professional terms

Further information in the glossary of professional terms

Further information in the glossary

You can purchase products in different quantities: from bag to railroad car.

©   LLC “Graphite Formula”

+7  904  940 64 08

+7 (351) 220 47 20

+7 (351) 790 82 46
