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LLC  Graphite Formula

+7 (351) 220 47 20

+7 (351) 790 82 46

+7  904  940 64 08

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Molds for Bathroom Welding

The mold for reinforcing bar and crane rails bathroom welding is a form (usually made of graphite or metal) that helps in welding metal reinforcing bar, avoiding leakage of molten metal and heat transfer reductio .

LLC “Graphite Formula” manufactures:

 Molds from graphite for crane rails bathroom welding of the following types and sizes: R-43, КR-70, КR-80, КR-100, КR-120, КR-140.









Molds from graphite for reinforcing bar bathroom welding with the diameter of 20, 22, 25, 28, 32, 36, 40mm from GMZ, GE, L-7, WX-4 graphite grades. The products comply with TU 1915-109-092-2008. The producing of graphite molds according to the customers personal drawings or sketches is also available.

Further information in the glossary of professional terms

The product will be ready in 5-10 days after the payment.

©   LLC “Graphite Formula”

+7  904  940 64 08

+7 (351) 220 47 20

+7 (351) 790 82 46
