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LLC  Graphite Formula

+7 (351) 220 47 20

+7 (351) 790 82 46

+7  904  940 64 08

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Graphite heaters, shields

Graphite heaters are used for high temperature vacuum furnaces or furnaces which atmosphere is classified as neutral. Graphite heaters' maximum temperature is 3000 C, but while functioning in vacuum it is lower and depends on the level of stack effect. Sometimes graphite heaters are manufactured as separate sections. Sectional flat heaters can be used in electric furnaces with a rectangular work space configuration, while sectional cylindrical - in furnaces with a cylindrical work space configuration.

LLC “Graphite formula” produces the following things, according to the drawings or sketches of the customer:

Graphite heaters from GE, MG, GMZ, ISEM-1, WX-4, WX-5 graphite grades. Heaters' shapes and sizes can be different, the main types: cylindrical, tubular, slotted and plate type heater.




Shields, covers for thermocouples and thermometers from GE, MG, GMZ, SGP, ISEM-1, WX-4, WX-5 graphite grades.

The product will be produced in 3-10 days.

©   LLC “Graphite Formula”

+7  904  940 64 08

+7 (351) 220 47 20

+7 (351) 790 82 46
