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LLC  Graphite Formula

+7 (351) 220 47 20

+7 (351) 790 82 46

+7  904  940 64 08

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Electrodes, rods, plates

These products are used for cutting in steel-iron foundry, when it is necessary to cut a thick layer of metal, for example, removing surface defects on castings. Graphite plates are used as a material for lining.

Graphite electrodes, rods, plates according to customer’s drawings or sketches.






Electrodes for EDM machines.






Electrodes for melting metal.

LLC “Graphite formula” produces and sells the following wares:

The product will be produced in 3-10 days.

©   LLC “Graphite Formula”

+7  904  940 64 08

+7 (351) 220 47 20

+7 (351) 790 82 46
